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I.AN what up...

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I.AN  what up... Empty I.AN what up...

Post by fluglegod Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:12 pm

Hey im you're such a pervert!! But i will respond to Chuck for short. I have been part of the team for about a year, maybe a little less. Things have been a little iffy with how people view me, tho i havnt changed, that i know of. I love music, people hate getting up early for band but I look forward to it. My grades never have looked very pleasing but I have just taken up a change of attitude to school and the change is starting to show. Its all just a change of habit. Latin contest is coming up. I am so freaking scared of how bad im going to do. Why did it have to come at the worst time? I havent memorized it at all, i lost it, and im scared to ask him for it. No matter how bad things get with people for me i will never hate them, it would only make things worse threw petty fighting and arguing. If someone gives me shit, then i just shove it down their throat. One thing i do hate is how im labeled as a "lier". lol Why you gotta hate on me about something we all do? And so we start the conversation there.

Number of posts : 235
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-02-23

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I.AN  what up... Empty Re: I.AN what up...

Post by Mounkyman Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:01 am

Some of that was good

Number of posts : 202
Age : 32
Location : San Antonio
Registration date : 2009-02-25

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I.AN  what up... Empty Re: I.AN what up...

Post by fluglegod Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:04 pm

gently caress!

i have no memory of writing this!
im kinda freakin out here...

Number of posts : 235
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-02-23

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I.AN  what up... Empty Re: I.AN what up...

Post by SkylarROCKSbiyatch Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:54 pm

i don't remember you writing it either.


Number of posts : 597
Age : 32
Location : Gryffindor Tower!!!!
Registration date : 2009-02-23


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I.AN  what up... Empty Re: I.AN what up...

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